22 March, 2010

Day 8 - Boring blah blah blah

Remember, this detox can change your entire life, not just 21 days.
~Barb Renker

Let's start out with the lows because that is how I am feeling.  It's raining veggies and fruits today - which is all I can eat for the next two days. Could it get anymore boring?  I'm so bored with eating.  It's no fun anymore.  There's only so many vegetables one can eat without adding anything fancy to the mix.  I mean, seriously, how long is it going to be until I can add my fav salad dressing to my salad with goat cheese and candied pecans.  I miss sweets.  I miss pasta.  I miss tacos.  And oh boy do I miss alcohol. I just want a teensy tiny little buzz.  That's all, am I asking for too much?

Food today was so ennui.  Breakfast today was coffee with soy. Half decaf because I needed some sort of pick me up. I wasn't all that hungry until about 11am when I ate a banana. Then 12:30 rolled around and I was starved so I heated up my lunch - steamed yams & sweet potatoes; and cooked spinach, garlic, onions and brussel sprouts. I figure if I am going to mac on veggies, they might as well be my favs. I was hungry around 4 so I ate blueberries and an apple and brewed up some herbal tea. Dinner was the same ole same ole - steamed cauliflour (excellent liver detoxifier) with garlic, bokchoy, onions and lots of turmeric and cumin.  I also made oven roasted sweet potatoe fries.  I could barely choke down dinner.  Is it that I'm actually looking forward to days 10 and 11 when I fill myself with water, juices and protein mixes?  Yes, at least that will be something new.

I can't think of anything that was a high today.  Ok, fine, the sweet potatoes gave me that sense of having eaten dessert.  That's about it.  I do confess that I did have one other high.  The quote at the beginning of this post is from my sister who thought it her duty today to keep me keepin on.  She sent the quote to me as I was day dreaming about a cinnamon roll.  It set me straight alright.  Made me realize that I AM doing this for a reason.  And that all in all it's not really about the 21 days, it's about the rest of my life.  What I put in my mouth shapes me.  Which by now means I'm a big giant green vegetable!  Just kidding. 

More realistically now, I think that I just needed to be reminded that I should eat this way anyhow - at least the majority of the time.  All these foods, grown from fertile ground, near where I live - are the food of the gods.  Each damn vegetable and each damn fruit serves a specific purpose in my overall health.  It's just that I'd really can't wait to add a little gourmet to the blandness of this detox.  Yes, that is the problem.  I'm a gourmet girl.  I have exquisite tastes.  I don't just like a pizza. I like a pizza that has a hand tossed crust topped with tomatoe sauce made from home grown tomatoes the summer before, onions & spinach picked right from my garden, feta cheese from the local goat lady and olives imported from Italy.  And of course, I prefer to wash it all down with a really great bottle of locally made wine. 

So that's all it is, I'm just bored.  I need a cup of pizzazz added to my daily food intake.  Soon, very soon.  For now, I must focus and remember, this could, just maybe, change my life.

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