I seem to have caught myself a little of the spring fever, in more ways than one. Morning arrived warm with sunshine streaming in the windows. But just as I was about to breathe a big sigh of relief at the beautiful day it was to be, I sneezed. Then I sneezed again. After laying in bed a little longer, I ended up having to get up because I was all clogged up. It's doubtful it's allergies because I've never fallen victim to that side of spring. I was really tired last night when I went to bed, almost to the point that I could have just stayed on the couch where I was and slept comfortably through the night. So I woke up with a spring cold. Nothing too miserable but nonetheless, I was dragging a bit. My morning coffee had to be only half decaf - there was no way I would function today without. Me? Missing the first day of spring? Hell no.
After a long walk with the dogs, I arrived home sweating and hungry. Mind you, this is my first weekend day on this cleanse and that usually means I spend it getting a big stumptown latte and scone, or sometimes breakfast out at Wild Abandon. But no leisurely late morning dining for me today. Instead I warmed up a piece of rice-pecan bread and topped it with almond butter and blueberries (an delicious idea I stole from my sister).
And after a few minutes of pulling together a new menu for the week, off to grocery shopping I went. It worked out good that I ate before I went because otherwise I"m sure I would have gone right off the detox path and into the delicious goodness of trader joes and limbos. But no, I stuck to my list, except for one minor thing. As I was at the check out counter buying some detox teas and such, I heard someone, no, it was someTHING calling my name. When I looked a cute little cookie smiled and winked at me. Of course I knew better but then it pointed to it's label - Amond Poppy Cookie - Gluten, Dairy & Sugar Free. No frickin way. After a scan of the ingredients, I determined it was made of rice and fava bean flour and sweetened up with fruitjuice, and it was made locally. It was the most yummo treat for me. I bought 2 and when I got home I popped a bite in Warren's mouth. He loved it so I split it with him. (Then I told him the ingredients!) So, I didn't really veer off the path, I stayed within the terms of my cleanse.
As the unusually warm afternoon sun beamed, we had headed outside to recline on sunchairs for an late siesta. My face now has a healthy glow to it. Amazing what a little sun will do. I skipped lunch because I got up so late but dinner was a bowl of veggie chili. Nothing fancy but after I ate it I was full and felt satisifed, which is good because I was sure earlier that only a pizza delivered to my door would satiate me.
Not the case.
So I do have a dang cold but at least it's sunny. I bet it's because my body is finally starting to let go of toxins. Which I take as a good sign that this is working. I"m not going 'without' for nothing. Oh, yeah, I also bought tofuttis and ate one. At least it was dairy free. I'm not so sure about the sugar part.
So all in all, a lazy spring day and a good one at that. I think I can do another weekend day tomorrow just fine as every detox day gets better in some ways. Plus Warren's got our first spring fire goin in the backyard so I hate to say good bye, but hey, I gotta run!
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