21 March, 2010

Day 7 - Snoozin

Well, the best way to get through day 7 was to sleep it away.  And that's just what I did.  The beautiful spring day that enlightened me yesterday was gone this morning.  In it's place was a steady warm rain.  Since my spring cold still had the best of me, I spent the morning reading on the couch.  After a while, I fixed a late breakfast - same as yesterday except I also had some rice and shine cereal.   Then, I couldn't help it, I got myself real comfortable on the couch with a pillow and a warm blanket and slept for a few hours. 

Well, I had a long nap and that was exactly what I needed.  Plus, when I awoke, the clouds had almost disappeared and the sun was shining through.  That was the motivation I was looking for.  I got up and cooked my lunch for work and then it happened.  My stomache started rumbling.  I was hungry, desperately hungry.

In response to my hunger, I allowed my husband to bring me dinner from Bjasural Vjlsairi.  What?  You didn't hear me?  Ok fine, I'll say it slower - b u r g e r  v i l l e.  There are you satisfied?  I was!  I ordered halibut and that's all I had.  Four pieces of halibut smothered in lemon.  Soooo delish.  I'm sure I could have gone without the fried part and the breading but hey, I didn't eat my fries.  Not even one. 

So all in all I didn't do too bad.  Plus, I just spent the last part of the evening outside next to a warm fire.  The next two days will be a challenge.  I can only eat vegetables and fruits.  More on that tomorrow though.  I just want to focus on now, on today.  Living each moment, each day at a time.  Catch ya tomorrow.

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