15 March, 2010

Day 1 - Sucky Suck Suck

Well, today went ok. I couldn't figure out why I woke up grumpy because last night I was rarin' to go and get this started. Anyways, I feel a little PMSish so that's probably it.

I'm not at all hungry. I totally porked out but I did stay within the food guidelines. Breakfast began with 1/2 decaf-1/2 reg coffee with soy, a slice of rice bread (gluten, oat, sugar and egg free) with almond butter and a huge pile of sliced apples on top. It was sooo delish. Lunch was decadent as I enjoyed my favorite meal - a large bowl of sauteed tofu with cumin, tumeric, onions, spinach and garlic. Snack time came and went but I didn't indulge b/c I was too full. I have no idea why. Could it be that pint of coffee ice cream still sitting in my gut from last night?  Dinner was broiled fish with a garlicky lemon sauce and avacados.  Super delish.

Late afternoon hit and I was so dang tired. No, I take that back - I've been tired all day long. I brewed up a huge cup of green matcha tea with TWO tea bags. I figured there's at least some caffeine in there right? It tasted fine and all but I about passed out when a co-worker walked in with a fresh cup of her afternoon coffee. Oh, the smell. It was so delectable. Cigs - well, I did ok. Late afternoon was my first one. Then a couple more tonight. Still, not bad.

Final Thoughts:
I hope I'm not dragging so much tomorrow. Mondays always suck and this one was daylight savings so we lost an hour of sleep, granted I did sleep till 11am Saturday morning and 10 am Sunday morning... but still.... Oh and yeah, I am reading one chapter a day of my most inspirational Buddhist teacher - Pema Chodron  - Start Where You Are. Her words seem to really fit with what I am doing. My sister Barb got me hooked on her. Also, apparently through the eyes of an astrologer - this week is an excellent time to re-vision my goals, try new things and get out of an old routine. So, I'll keep on keepin on.

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