01 April, 2010

Day 18 - Trashed

Oh man, I was just trashed today.  I got to bed late and of course woke up rushing around again - story of my life!  At work I was so dang tired.  Every part of me wanted to run downstairs and get a big ole caffeinated cup of coffee.  But I with-held.... until 3pm when I treated myself to a green tea latte with soy.  I had to have some sort of jump start.  I was frickin falling asleep.  I have never been able to do well with less than 8-10 hours of sleep.  Lame ass I am, I know.  So I guess that was my lows for the day.  Which is good because that's a high too.  I resisted temptation to jolt myself awake with coffee.  Big step.  Really really big step for me and my love of a steamin hot cup of joe. 

I also resisted temptation once again later that evening.  When I returned home from work I was greeted with an invitation to join my aunt-n-law and cousin-n-law for dinner... at a pizza parlour.  A joint where they serve old time pizza and you sit next to a giant stuffed grizzly bear named fuzzy wuzzy and a basket ball game is on next to the circus  mirror that distorts you into a thousand little pieces.  What I"m sayin is I love that place.  They have a salad bar but who wants to go out for pizza and then not have any?  And what is pizza without beer?  I mean seriously folks.  So that was enough for me to politely decline and stay home and cook up some tofu, spinach and garlic - wahoo.  But I can say tonite that I'm once again proud of my will power, of which I had none when I started this cleanse. 

Unfortunately, I have no will power to stay awake any longer so peace out my friends.

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